Friday, May 6, 2011

"HOORAY" for Stay-at-Home Moms

         Did you know, That there are over 421,000 SAHM with blogs just on blogspot alone?? And that doesn't count those that don't blog or whom are blogging elsewhere.
If there are so many of us Stay-at-home moms, why are we still getting such a bad rap. Why are we not getting the respect and appreciation we deserve??!! Why are the "working" moms still giving us the dirty looks?? Why does every Tom, Dick and Harry think we don't work and that we have all the time in the world to do something for them and the next person thinks we have time for them and so on. So many times I have gotten the old "Since you don't work" line.
        For me, I'm doing something for so many people because they think I don't do anything all day. Taking care of and raising 2 kids and now home schooling the youngest, a dog whom wants constant attention, an old cat of 17 (who has a thyroid condition and cries incessantly to be fed and needs medication twice a day for the rest of her life), a husband , a house with laundry, mopping, cooking, vacuuming, constantly organizing, shopping (with a hyper 3 year old who never listens), dusting, dishes, on the side eBay and an occasional garage sale to bring in extra money. And now I am going to try to sell jewelry to bring in extra money if I can. If that isn't working I don't know what is! I sit on my bum and eat bon-bons and watch soap operas all day. Yeah right!
         Most people who have jobs outside the home think it's a piece of cake to stay home all day taking care of children and household duties. It isn't. I have done the job outside of home and then come home to more to do at home. I know what it's like. I have been there, done that. Staying home is sooo much harder!! At least when I was working outside the home I would get a day off. Staying at home is a 24-7 job with no days off. When I was working outside the home I could actually finish a task. Not so with staying home. A finished task around here is cause for celebration. I get so tired of the constant interruptions.
         Don't get me wrong. I LOVE being home with my son and  being there when my daughter needs me. I like helping others when I can. I like volunteering at Ayla's school and seeing all the other kids. But I am just a little sick and tired of people thinking I have sooo much time on my hands because I don't "work"! I am tired of people thinking just because I stay at home with my son, I don't have any kind of schedule or daily plans. They think my time is dispensable.
          I say "Horray" to the stay-at-home moms! Good job Moms and thank you!! It's time we stay-at-home mom's toot our own horns. At least just a little. We do so much more than watch the Wiggles and pick up toys all day. Stand up and cheer Moms and give yourselves a great big pat on the back. You deserve it!!
Happy mothers day!