Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I think I actually made it!

O.k. So I finally did it! I set up my own blog. All by my little Blonde self. !! Hee-Hee! I didn't think I'd make it. This whole process was just a little more daunting then I had anticipated. I mean, everyone has some kind of blog or tweet or facebook page these days, right? I need to try and keep up with the times! I tried a facebook page and I really don't get it. I don't mean I don't know how to navigate my way around (which is a little of it) but I mean what's the point? A blog I can understand. But reading everyones conversations is just a little too weird. Reading people's conversations to others you don't know seems like eavesdropping. I am not giving up on facebook YET, but I'm not sure if it's for me. Now this, this I think I can do!! My daughter said to me once while texting her dad for me,"I love to text, it's so fun!". Well, I say " I love to Blog!" I can't wait to really sink my teeth into all that can be done and I have so many ideas just waiting to get out. It's funny, about 10 years ago I didn't see the point in computers and thought they were impersonal. Well, I believe I have seen the light.


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Welcome WonderMom! Great blog! You will love sharing, bragging, teaching, learning, and the general soundboard of blogging!

Now I'm going to click your little FB button and share you with all my friends!

Alice said...

Thanks girl! I can't wait to set the blogging world on fire!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogging world. :-D

Alice said...

Thank you! If I can't set the blogging world on fire I at least hope to make it smoke a little. :-)