Friday, April 22, 2011

Will We Just Have to Make It Work?

                    O.K.  We found out that we are NOT getting the house. And we didn't lose our earnest money because it wasn't our fault. So I have been house hunting AGAIN all week, with a new Realtor. It is way harder to find a house than I thought it would be, that is for sure! These houses are terrible! You would think that at least one of the houses that I looked at would be decent. A lot looked good from the outside but were a wreck on the inside. Floors buckling, water damage, mold, holes in walls and floors, roof leaks, wack-a-do bathroom set ups (like a bath in the master bedroom but the other bathroom way across the other side of the house, practically in the kitchen.) People are asking way, WAY too much for their houses that need way, WAY too much work done to them to make them livable.
                   My first Realtor called me a day or so ago, and said he had some news for me. O.K. I'll bite. So, I call him up and he tells me I can call up the mortgage company that owns the house we had put a bid on and get an approval letter from them. 'ALRIGHT!' I call them as soon as I get off the phone with him. I find out that they CAN NOT give us an approval letter. It has to be the owner or the Realtor that asks, the mortgage company's Realtor has to complete things on the equator first (what ever that means), and that they aren't even taking bids on the house right now.
                  Am I in the TWILIGHT ZONE or something??! Didn't he (my Realtor) already tell me once before that we could bid on this house and he was wrong??! COME ON!!! I will not be messing with this guy again!
                  We haven't found a thing yet, and I don't really think we will. Part of me doesn't want to go through the whole moving thing. Packing, sorting, throwing things away and then unpacking, sorting again and trying to figure out where everything will go again. Then part of me can't stand every room we have doing double, triple and even quadruple duty. We NEED some more space.
                   We are considering another property, a part residential and commercial property, that might be something. But I am trying not to get my hopes up. It is completely unusual but could be very cool and has great potential. After this one, I think we are done looking for a while. I will just have to ,as the famous Tim Gunn would say,"MAKE IT WORK!" Some how.


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

ROFL! Not that it is funny because I know this process has been weighing you; and once you think 'house with more space' it is hard to get that bug out of your ear. Especially, flaunting the possibility of a tub.

But, great post and great way to 'Pull up your Cowgirl Boots and Get Over It' as my cap reads. ;-)

Alice said...

Well, I am NOT one to give up so easily so I have to make it work. I just hope I can make it work sooner than later. :-)