Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Making a Bid

(I have both the camera & the dog)
                   April 7th, just 2 Sunday's ago, My family and I thought it would be nice to take Molly (our Doberman) for a walk around the neighborhood. We decided to take a different route than we normally go. As we are out enjoying the scenery (joke) and soaking up the vitamin D, we came upon an empty store that my daughter and I used to go to to find treasure. (It was being rented out as a Used Stuff Store or you could say a Thrift Store, but they had moved out a while back. It is hard to keep any kind of business running in this rink-a-dink town.)
                  We thought it would be neat to walk around the building  and look in the windows and just plain check out the place, when Ayla said "It would be cool to live here!" That statement took both Rene, my husband, and myself back a little. We rent our house right now and haven't tried looking for a house to buy for some time. Then we notice the FOR SALE sign. This property would be a little unorthodox for a home, but had excellent possibilities. Well, that started the whole ball rolling. My husband gets on his iPhone and opens up the app and gets any info. he can on the place. We are all chattering away about the possibilities and the need to contact someone A.S.A.P., when we come across yet another property FOR SALE. Only this property is a little more down to earth and just 2 houses down from the house we use to rent years ago. (My Husband has always liked this particular house.) Again, my husband starts searching and comes up with some great news. The house just couldn't be the price he found!  The rest of the walk home is noisy and exciting with all of us spouting possibilities and hopes.
Some of our "Scenery"
                    That Monday I waste no time in calling around to try to get some information on these 2 properties and I make contact almost right away. A Realtor can show me the house the next day. Sagan, my son, and I go to see the house and we love it. I love it for it's charm and built-ins and Sagan loves it for the echo and space to run. I couldn't wait to get my husband there! We make another appointment the next day to see it again and to see the other property also. We all ended up liking the house best. So we tell the "folks" about it and then take them to see it. (Dad has a great eye for spotting trouble.) While we are taking our tour another Realtor shows up and rudely tells our Realtor " When are you going to be done?! I have clients that are here to see the house." I was a bit livid to say the least. I decide to take just a little bit longer and discuss with the "folks" what they think of the house. That little bit turned into 20 minutes. (Shame on me.)
                  Ultimately we decide to put in a bid but so does the other couple.  When we found out about the other couple making a bid, we agreed to to go up on our bid, which takes away that little extra cash we thought we might have had every month. The Realtor tells us it could be 3 to 4 days before we will hear anything. (DARN!) Now we have been waiting in suspense since Monday when the bids were presented to the morgage company who owns the property. This waiting is KILLING me! Well, O.K., it's just very distracting!  Are we going to finally get a house that we can call ours?!? I hope we hear soon!!


1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Fingers crossed and wishing y'all luck!